To oneself: An elegy (A Prose)

January 2019

There will be times that no matter how prepared I am for 'the things', it will happen anyway—despite whatever precautions I did to prevent it from becoming or happening.

This disappoints me because I had my car fully refueled, brought extra tire and strategized my victory for the race of my lifetime. Despite that, I failed—lost in the scene with my raised white flag.

Thus, there will be times that the only thing I can do is to pray—or wish!—to God. I may question the situation but do I have the luxury of time? I have to accept my defeat now or find another way, which sadly there is none.

Then I realized tht I turned in the wrong side of the road so I will never see the end goal I was hoping for. Thus, the only thing to redeem myself is to accept 'the things' that made me less, move on and shift my gear. It is already up to me now how I will cope with roadblocks and uncertainties of tomorrow.

My sun may set now but it will surely shine soon.

An elegy to oneself,


Author's note: Before you wonder why this is an elegy and yet a prose, there is actually a literature discussing that there is now already a so-called 'prose elegy'. I am no expert but, I think, it is now kind of a thing in modern literature. In addition, this is a letter I wrote for myself in January 2019 (hence the date stamp).


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